ality is more generally recognized by the public at large. Although there can be no objection' to designating relations between females by a special term, it should be recognized that such activities are quite the equivalent of sexual relations between males.

It is unfortunate that the students of animal behavior have applied the term homosexual to a totally different sort of phenomenon among the lower mammals. In most of the literature on animal behavior it is applied on the basis of general conspectus of the behavior pattern of the animal, its aggressiveness in seeking the sexual contact, it's postures during coitus, its position relative to the other animal in the sex relation and the conformance or disconformance of that behavior to the usual positions and activities of the animal during heterosexual coitus.

In studies of human behavior, the term inversion is applied to sexual situations in which males play demale roles and females play male roles in sex relations. Most of the data on "homosexuality", in the animal studies actually refer to inversion. Inversion, of course, may occur in either heterosexual or homosexual relations, although there has been a widespread opinion, even among students of human psychology and among some persons whose experience has been largely homosexual, that inversian is an invariable accompaniment of homosexuality. However, this generalization is not warranted. A more elaborate presentation of our data would show that there are a great many males who remain masculine, and a great many females who remain as feminine, in their attitudes and their approaches in homosexual relations, as the males or females who have nothing but heterosexual relations. Inversion and homo-



sexuality are two distinct and not always correlated types of behavior. If the term homosexual is stricted as it should be, the homosexuality or heterosexuality of any activity becomes apparent by determining the sexes of the two individuals involved in the relationship. For instance, mouth-genital contacts between males and females are certainly heterosexual, even though some persons may think of them as homosexual. And although one may hear of a male "who had sex relations with his wife in a homosexual way," there is no logic in such a use of the term, and analyses of the behavior and of the motivations of the behavior in such cases do not show them necessarily related to any homosexual experience.

On the other hand, the homosexuality of certain relationships between individuals of the same sex may be denied by some persons, because the situation does not fu.f.ll other criteria that they think should be attached to the definition. Mutual masturbation between two males may be dismissed; even by certan clinicians, as not homosexaul, because oral or anal relations or particular levels of psychic response are required, according to their concept 、 of homosexuality. There are persons. who insist that the active male in an anal relation is essentially heterosexual in his behavior, and that the passive male in the same relation is the only one who is homosexual. These, however, are misapplications of terms, which are often unfortunate. because they obscure the interpretations of the situation which the clinician is supposed to help by his analysis.

These misinterpretations are often encouraged by the very persons who are having homosexual experience. Some males who are being regularly fellated by other males

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without, however, ever performing fellatio themselves, may insist that they are exclusively heterosexual and that they have never been invõlved in a truly homosexual relation. Their consciences are cleared and they may avoid trouble with society and with the police by 'perpetrating the additional fiction that they are incapable of responding to a relation with a male unless they fantasy themselves in contact with a female. Even clinicians have allowed themselves to be diverted by such pretentions. The actual histories, however, show few if any cases of sexual relations between maies which could be considered anything but homosexual.

Many individuals who have had considerable homosexual experience, construct a hierarchy on the basis. of which they insist that anyone who has not had as much homosexual experience as they have had, or who is less exclusively aroused by homosexual stimuli, is "not really homosexual." It is amazing to observe how many psychologists and psychiatrists have accepted this sort of propaganda, and have come to believe that homosexual males and· females are discreetly different from persons who merely have homosexual experience, or who react sometimes to homosexual stimuli. Some-, imes such an in.erpretation allows for only two kinds of males and two



k.nds of females, namely those who ure heterosexual. But as subsequent data in this chapter will show, there is only about half of the male population whose sexual behavior is exclusively heterosexual, and there are only a few percent who are exclusively homosexual. Any restriction of the term homosexuality to individuals who are exclusively so demands, logically, that the term heterosexual be applied only to those individuals who are exclusively heterosexual, and this makes no allowance for the nearly half of the 'population which has had ual contacts with, or reacted psychically to, individuals of their own as well as of the opposite sex. Actually, of course, one must learn to recognize every combination of heterosexuality and homosexuality in the histories of various individuals.


It would encourage clearer thinking on these matters if persons were not characterized as heterosexual or homosexual but as individuals' who have had certain amounts of heterosexual experience and certain amounts of homosexual experience. Instead of using these terms as substantives which stand for persons, or even as adjectives to describe persons, they may better be used to describe the nature of the overt sexual relations, or of the stimuli to which, an individual erotically responds.

BARR, James: "Quatrefoil;" "Derricks" HESSE, Herman: "Steppawolf;" all others.




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